

When I was recovering at home in June after surgery, my dearest and I would take our afternoon constitutional down my block. At first, I didn't have the strength to walk far and, like a child, needed a bribe of sorts to go the short distance.

Gray and brown. Brick, brick, brick. The buildings on my street are rather uninspired. Brownstone is a term too filled with charm to describe these habitats with few trees and fewer gardens. This small home is an exception. The owners have decorated their small yard with a variety of pinwheels, from the simple to the elaborate. Full of whimsy and color, each pinwheel almost seems to have it's own personality. Ordinarily, I'm wholeheartedly against lawn ornamentation (and people who feel the need to put stuffed animals in their car windows), but I can't help but love this home. It cheered me up when I needed it most and seeing the silly rooster's tail spin in the wind makes me smile every day when I walk by.


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